Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

PAEPARD Communication tool training session

15-17 September 2015. Accra, Ghana. As part of the communication activities a three-day training workshop was organised to facilitate the use of the PAEPARD, communication and information tool. 

The communication tool:
  • facilitates work group and allows the sharing and dissemination of information. 
  • it references all the documents produced as part of the project and allows easy consultation of all these documents. 
  • This tool is copyright-free and may be used after the end of the project to ensure communication on the PAEPARD platform.
The participants involve:
  • Two representatives from each Regional Farmer Organisation and the Private sector who are involved in the Users' Led Process (Research priorities set by the Regional Farmer Organisation and by ColeACP:
    (a) the EAST AFRICAN FARMER FORUM (EAFF): innovative multi stakeholder research around the “Extensive livestock value chain” ;
    (b) the PLATEFORME RÉGIONALE PAYSANNE DE L’AFRIQUE CENTRALE (PROPAC): innovative multi stakeholder research around the (urban) vegetable sector in Central Africa ;
    (c) the RÉSEAU DES ORGANISATIONS PAYSANNES ET DES PRODUCTEURS AGRICOLES DE L’AFRIQUE DE L’OUEST (ROPPA): innovative multi stakeholder research around the Climate change adaptation technologies on rice production
    (d) the Food Agriculture Natural Resources Policy Network/Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (FANRPAN/SACAU): innovative multi stakeholder research around the
    Ground nut value chain in Zambia and Malawi
    (e) the Comité de Liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique pour la promotion des exportations horticoles(ColeACP): innovative multi stakeholder research around the Mango byproducts in Senegal, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast
  • a representative of the research projects funded by the Dutch Applied Research Fund
    (a) More potatoes - Secure food in Burundi
    (b) Indigenous African Vegetable systems for better livelihoods in Kenya and Uganda
    (c) Matching grain quality attributes to the requirements of soybean processors in Benin (ProSeSS)
    (d) Designing appropriate agronomic and processing practices for pineapple supply chains in Benin
  • a representative of the research projects funded by Competitive Research Fund of PAEPARD :
    (a) Soja-Benin “Re-engineered Soybean “Afitin” and Soybean Milk processing technologies in South and Central Benin (ProSAM)”
    (b) Stemming Aflatoxin pre-and post-harvest waste in the groundnut value chain (GnVC) in Malawi and Zambia to improve food and nutrition security in the smallholder farming families
    (c) Effets des amendements organiques enrichis aux Trichoderma sp. appliqués aux productions maraîchères de la zone sub-saharienne, Burkina Faso
    (d) Enhancing nutrition security and incomes through adding value to indigenous vegetables in East and Central Uganda
They will be responsible to train others in their work structure and to ensure that information relating to the activities of their group is properly entered into the tool.

08/09/2015, Scidev: Weak links hamper knowledge sharing in agriculture
Agricultural Innovation Systems' complexity means that ICTs and knowledge management should be recognised as critical components of every activity or project that aims to take innovation to farmers’ fields. ICT and mobile applications are making knowledge brokers’ engagement with rural farmers easier, faster and cheaper. And they are making partnerships easier to manage. Benjamin Kwasi Addom, CTA

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