Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Monday, March 30, 2015

Agrinatura annual meeting 2015

19 - 20 March 2015. Montpellier, France. As a side event of the Climate Smart Agriculture Global Science Conference  held on March 16-18, 2015, Agrinatura organised its annual meeting and General Assembly. The theme was Building capacities to address climate change"
  1. Skills and competences required for agricultural development in a context of climate change 
  2. Potential for mutualisation and joint production of training tools  Download the program 
Members and Partners were invited to share, during these two days, their initiatives and future projects in this domain, and possibly to build the basis of collective actions of our universities, inside Europe itself, but also in cooperation with our partners in the South. Two questions lead to deeper specific discussions:  
  1. The question of the competences and the skills which are associated with addressing climate change as a professional in agriculture. Beyond the technological options that can contribute to adaptation or to mitigation, is there a different way to address development of agriculture in a context of climate change? What are the common skills and the specific ones that specialised post graduate training should address?  
  2. The question of the training tools that are being built to support the development of specialised courses. What are they and how are they built? Is there any option of pooling the existing resources, mutualising their access, especially for the universities in the South? Would there be any advantage in Agrinatura taking an initiative to produce more tools and make them accessible to all?
PAEPARD presentation:

Delegates from the Animal Health Network annual workshop

Other side events
15 March 2015. Annual workshop of the Animal Health & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity NetworkThe Animal health and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Intensity Network of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases aims to bring together researchers from across the world to investigate links and synergies between efforts to reduce animal disease and possible GHG mitigation through disease control.For further information on the Network, please see the report of the first workshop

15 March 2015CSA Alliance Knowledge Action Group. The Knowledge Action Group (KAG) of the ACSA co-led by the FAO and CGIAR/CCAFS organized this workshop in order to secure inputs and organize the work on research priorities for CSA and partnerships to make these priorities possible. The activities identified at the workshop will form inputs into the development of the KAG’s action plan.

15 March 2015Global Research Alliance on Greenhouse Gases (GRA)
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases brought countries together to find ways to grow more food without growing greenhouse gas emissions.Agenda: download here

17 March 2015. FACCE JPI Governing Board. FACCE JPI is the Joint Research Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change

17 March 2015. CSA and Agroecology Working Group
Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Project “Knowledge and technical services in the development of “Climate Smart Agriculture” and “Agroecology” approaches”, co-organized by CIRAD and FAO.

17 March 2015. Global Alliance on CSA (GACSA): Presentation GACSA seeks to improve people’s food security and nutrition in the face of climate change.
Details of the meeting to be confirmed.

18 March 2015. The Regional Multidisciplinary Platform “Rural Communities, Environment and Climate in West Africa” (PPR SREC). Presentation of PPR SREC, a cross-disciplinary, regionally integrated multi-stakeholders platform for innovative approaches, education and training in West Africa, in the face of climate change and food security.

19 March 2015. Final meeting of the AnimalChange European project. The large collaborative project AnimalChange funded from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration, will hold its final meeting at Agropolis International to present project results.See programme)

Side-event in Paris
19 March 2015. Gender Seminar and Panel: “Closing the gender gap in farming under climate change: New knowledge for renewed action”

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